Friday, January 2, 2009

TheMilk Chocolate That Melts In Your Mouth And On Your Neck?

Recent news from Lucky Magazine shows that Peanut M&M's can kill the allure of perfumes/fragrances that you may have on. Good news: it only takes one! Save the rest for another time or person; your ass will thank you! So next time your at the theater and you smell an oder, grab an M&M and tab it all over...

Frye Away With Me...

It's the time of year you love to hate- when the weather is still frigid, and designers are releasing their spring/resort collections in stores. "Supposedly" everyone is gearing up for spring, but my thoughts are this... Winter please stay longer, I just really want to wear these cute Frye Boots for a little while longer....

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Long time-no blog, I know! I promise to never let this happen again! I hope all had an enjoyable and safe New Year's Eve.

As the final memories of 2008 came to a close, everyone begun making their resolutions to kickstart a sucessful 09. Lose weight? Break a habit? Have more fun? Have less fun? Resolutions are usually meant to be broken, right? However, the key to keeping your resoultions in tac, aprox. 1 year from now, is making a solution to look to.

Like many of you all, I would like to say I made a couple resolutions myself. (But personally, I hate the term resolution. After all, google for the definition of resolution- it's a LAW. So from now on, let's call it your 09 solutions. ) So for 09 my Solutions are.....
1. Tone up- (I know how cliche) So my solution for this is for YOU all to get involved! Every week I will post my weekly workouts for each day, and maybe food options as well. That way, we can inspire and progress together!
2. Keep my blog up to date with good fashion, fitness, and beauty advice- I know I have failed you all in 08!
3. Get involved in fashion- Since it is my passion, I feel I should get out there more for it! Find you passion and do the same!

Although we are already 2 days into 09, it still isn't too late to get your resolutions, I mean solutions, out there. Make 09 a year of change for your inner self, like the world is!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Like the LBD the LBJ (little black jacket) is extremely universal. After seeing a growing trend of LBJ appearing in runway shows and fashion magazines I knew this was a new must have for fall....

Being easily convinced that I was lacking in the fashion department if I didn't find a chic LBJ for fall- I began rummaging through my trusty store list. I found the perfect affordable LBJ from Bebe that I knew would hold a significance in my wardrobe.

Whether is it a blazer, crop, biker, or bomber jacket; it's a sure bet it can spruce up any outfit.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rock the vote

As a blogger, it is my job to voice my opinion on subjects that matter the most to me. Having dedicated my blog to fashion and fitness, I feel it is my job to give you an equal balance and knowledge of both. However, I also want to touch on important issues in society. One of the most important issues facing young adults now, especially this time of the year, is VOTING! As a young adult myself, I feel so privileged to get to voice my opinion on such a way that CAN make a difference in our nation.

Really don't keep up with politics, and don't really know what each candidate stands for? No problem! Pick up the new Aug. edition of Teen Vogue. There is a spread of all the important issues facing young people from health care, the war, to economic situations, and what each candidate stands for.

So when November rolls around, get your booty to the polls. With committed young adults, We CAN make a difference :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Taking Romey and Mitchell to a new level....

Pole dancing... Not your typical aerobic class. Well it turns out that many health clubs and gyms are adding it to their weekly schedule. Not only this but the classes are almost always packed! It turns out that Romey and Mitchell were no fools for working out in their heels. If that doesnt convice you to try pole dancing, when was the last time you saw a fat stripper? hummm.. Maybe give aerobic pole dancing a second thought???

Exclusive Sample Sales available to YOU!

Want to get in the know with exclusive online sample sales? Want to feel like YOU are a celeb and get designer duds at extreme discount prices? I can hook you up girl :)

As a member of the Gilt Group and Glam list I have your connection to these exclusive members only sample sales. All you need to do is comment back with your email address, and I can sign you up for these great deals and steals.

Do not wait... Discount Designer duds are waiting.....

Today: DVF Shoes
Monday: Dolce and Gabbana Animaliar Bags
Thurs. Cynthia Rowley